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Realities of parenting

What would it be like to be pregnant or caring for a baby? Would you still be able to do the things you enjoy? Find out more here and listen to young parents' stories as they're the ones that know what it's really like:

Sure Start

Sure Start offers advice and information for the parents of young children including information on childcare and benefits.


This website has information about childcare services, and other regional and national support groups for parents. You might also want to find out about how get Child Care costs covered while you study with CARE TO LEARN.

National Childbirth Trust

National Childbirth Trust offers information and support in pregnancy, childbirth and early parenthood. A membership organisation run by parents for parents provides local post-natal support groups for parents.

The National Family and Parenting Institute

The National Family and Parenting Institute works towards the support of parents in bringing up their children and to promote the well being of families.

Inland Revenue

What about the money? Advice on tax and benefits.

National Childminding Association

The National Childminding Association believes every child should reach their full potential. They work with registered childminders and nannies, as well as other individuals and organisations to ensure families in every community in England and Wales have access to high quality home-based childcare, play, learning and family support.

Postnatal Depression


Katy had it..but postnatal depression isn't always taken seriously.. find out about postnatal depression from the Association for Post Natal Illness.

Watch Katy's video diary to find out about her experience.

Caring for a baby on your own

YWCA -Respect for Young Mums Campaign

UK based campaign dedicated to furthering the rights and concerns of young mothers and focusing on the positive aspects of teenage pregnancy

Fatherhood Institute

This site offers advice on being a young dad like Ben from L8R and managing on your own

Young Fathers 

This is a forum where young fathers go to seek advice on a variety of issues involving raising a child. You can seek help on how to gain custody of a child and access information on Fatherhood courses.

If you are a young Dad, you might also want to have a look at these:
Youth Action NI

Families need fathers

Fathers Direct 

One Space - for single parents 

Gingerbread - Support for lone mums and dads and their families. Gingerbread offers help and support to lone parents through over 100 local groups.