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From Series 1, episode 2 :
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look afta the baby dude

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If you want to know more about drugs...or check your knowledge you're in the right place:

Talk To Frank

This site includes a post code search for local information and help, an A-Z of drugs and games too.

You can 'talk to frank' 24 hours a day, its confidential and free:

Textphone: FRANK on 0800 917 8765.

Email: frank@talktofrank.com

You might want to read this before getting in touch:

  1. Calls from landlines are free and won't show up on the phone bill. Calls from a mobile vary in cost depending on which network you're on and might show up on the bill.
  2. You can talk to FRANK in 120 languages - just call the same number and a translator will be there if necessary.
  3. FRANK will try to reply to your email as quickly as possible. It certainly won't take longer than 24 hours. The reply will come from Talktofrank (Frank@talktofrank.com).
  4. To reply FRANK will need an email address. If you're worried about someone reading your emails you could set up a special email account with someone like Yahoo, Hotmail or Lycos.
  5. FRANK will only ever reply to your emails. You will NEVER EVER receive an email you didn't ask for from FRANK.

Teen Life Check

Do the Life Check to check out your life and see how you’re getting on. Find out what help you can get, if you want to. This is not a test! There are no right or wrong answers. And no-one will see what you’ve written. So be honest with yourself and start getting the real picture.

Young Minds

To find out about how substance misuse can affect your mental health, check out this site.


DrugScopes website for 11-14 year olds featuring fact files, games, videos and more


Release provides advice on drug-related issues such as school exclusions, drug policies and basic advice and counselling on young people's drug use. Release runs the Drugs in School helpline: 0808 8000 800 which offers help and support to pupils, parents and teachers involved in drug related incidents in school.

Watch the Drug Stories made by SILX Teen Bar in the Showcase

Check out the SILX Teen Bar in Northumberland's showcase where you can meet Stacey and find out about Stacey's friends and family. Stacey's been having some problems with gas and other drugs and her stepdad has been getting her involved with dealing. Watch the videos made by SILX Teen Bar to find out how Stacey handles the situation.

Do you want to know more about a particular drug?

Talk To Frank has an A-Z of drugs

Here's what they say about Cannibis:


and about Gases and Aerosols:


The Site has more information about drug safety and drugs and your body:

Drug Culture - the law, the trade and the risk

The Site website has loads of information about Drug Culture. It can help you to find out about the law and drugs, the risks, all about drug dealers , drug culture and who profits..