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If you've ever wondered how you can keep yourself safe on the streets, in the club -or with that special someone? Then look no further...

Here are lots of links to help you keep you and your mates safe not sorry.

Need to Know

Ex New York gang member Sergio Argueta has been on a tour of London schools, talking about his experiences. Watch the video of his inspirational speech at one school assembly.

Are you OK?

If you've been a victim or witness of crime, it's not your fault. You are not alone. Victim Support might be able to help - check out the website or just get in touch on the support line.

Tel: 0845 3030 900

Sexual Consent: What about rape…?

If you know or think that you may have been raped, meaning you had sex without giving your consent or are under the age of 16, you may wish to contact the Police or contact Rape Crisis or Male Rape, supporting Male Survivors of abuse


This site includes a problem page and quiz corner. Take one of the challenges:

Boys - how well do you handle your problems? Quiz: How good is your body image? Or maybe you just need someone to talk to?

Child Protection Helpline:

Freephone: 24 hours a day 0800 800 500
Textphone: 0800 056 0566


Confidential emotional support 24 hours a day. Tel 08457 90 90 90 in the UK and Northern Ireland. Tel 1850 60 90 90 in the Republic of Ireland, or email jo@samaritans.org.uk

Internet Safety

Chat Danger offers you practical internet safety advice. Includes interactive scenarios on internet, mobile phone and messenger safety. 

Have fun, stay in control and learn how to report internet misuse.