

Visit later world, episode 4 to see how beccy copes with sex.


From Series 1, episode 8 :
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Being there thru thick n thin n not running out when things get hard!
Have I let her down?

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LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender)

FYI Radio

The station is a collection of podcasts by the young, gay and the queer. As a social enterprize FYI Radio wants to help anyone 16 - 30 years old have a platform to promote their talent, broadcast their activities, share their knowledge and learn new skills.

This website is an LBGT search engine, you can find youth clubs, centres, clubs and more. 

Galop works to prevent and challenge homophobic and transphobic hate crime in Greater London. They try to reduce crimes against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people, and campaign for an improved criminal justice system.

Trans specific (transsexual, transvestite, transgender, gender queer)

Gendered Intelligence is a company that delivers:

  • Arts programmes and creative workshops to trans youth from across the UK.
  • Facilitated workshops to all young people within schools, colleges and other settings to generate discussion and debate around gender and the ways in which it presents challenges in our everyday lives.
  • Professional development and trans awareness training. These sessions can be a generic introduction to trans experiences and issues, as well as gearing towards those who work with young trans people more specifically.

Queer Youth

A national organisation run by and for young people that exists to provide a united voice for all lesbian, gay bisexual, asexual, pansexual, intersex, transgender, transsexual, queer and curios youth.

Mermaids UK

Aims to support children and teenagers up to age 19, who are trying t cope with Gender Identity issues.

Channel 4 - Health

Questioning your sexuality and/or gender.

Need 2 Know

Information about sexual orientation, coming out, and to find out the facts.

London Lesbian and Gay Switchboard

24 hour telephone service.

Information and support for lesbians, gay men and bisexual people.

Telephone: 020 7837 7324.