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Sexual Health & Contraceptive Services for Young People

Sex is no great mystery...

But there are things that you need to know. This guide will help by telling you all the places you can go for free sexual health advice & support in Waltham Forest if you are under 19 years old. We are here to listen, not to tell.

Young People's Clinics

The clinics offer FREE Confidential advice, Contraception, Pregnancy testing & Emergency Contraception (morning after pill). No appointment needed just drop-in.


The Score,
100 Oliver Road
E10 5JY

Tel: 0208 430 7090/84

Leyton Tube/ Bus no.s 58, 158, 97, 69

Contraception & Sexual Health

Advice & Support, Pregnancy Testing, Condoms, Emergency Hormonal Contraception (morning after pill), Contraception injections.

General advice & information

Mondays: 2.00 - 5.00pm at Connexions Site

398A Hoe St
Tel: 020 8521 9020

Tuesdays: 10.00 - 2.00pm at The Score (see above for the address)

Wednesdays: 3.30 - 5.00pm at The Score (see above for the address)

Thursdays: 2.00 - 5.00pm at Leytonstone YOT
Cecil Road
Tel: 020 8496 5002


Comely Bank Clinic

46 Ravenswood Road
E17 9LY

Tel: 020 8430 7100

Mondays & Fridays - 4.00 - 5.15pm


Oliver Road Medical Centre

West Stand
Leyton Orient
Oliver Road
E10 5NF

Tel: 020 84308210

Sexual health advice & support. Free condoms, emergency contraception (pill, injection, implant, I. U. D.- coil), pregnancy test, referral for termination of pregnancy & pregnancy support.

Tuesday: 3.45 - 4.30pm

Wednesday: 11.45am - 12.45pm


Tom Hood Advice and Support Centre

Tom Hood School
Terling Close
London E11

Tel: 020 8519 8782

Support & Advice around sexual health issues & relationships. Free condoms, contraception (pill, emergency contraception, injection), pregnancy test, referral for termination of pregnancy & pregnancy support.

Thursdays: 2.30 - 4.30pm

Emergency Contraception

If you think you have put yourself at risk of pregnancy by not using any contraception, a condom coming off or splitting or you contraception has failed.â  You have 72 hours to get Emergency Contraception (formerly known as the 'morning after pill'); the quicker you get it the less chance of pregnancy.â  You can go to you GP, and Young Person's Clinic or Sexual Health Service. You can also buy it at some pharmacists but it can be expensive. â 

You can go to:

Whipps Cross University Hospital NHS Trust

Go to the Rowan Ward on Sundays to get emergency contraception for free

Tel: 020 8539 5522â 

Sexually Transmitted Infection

If you think you have put yourself at risk of getting a sexually transmitted infection and would like a health screening or HIV test, then you can go to your nearest G.U.M. (Genito -urinary Medicine) centre at:

Whipps Cross Hospital

Whipps Cross Road

Tel 020 8535 6535

YOU ARE ADVISED TO ARRIVE EARLY because they will only see the first 10 males and first 10 females to arrive at each session.

Monday: 9.00 - 5.00pm
Wednesday: 2.00 - 5.00pm
Thursday: 9.00 - 5.00pm
Friday: 9.00 - 5.00pm


Homerton Hospital - drop-in service

Homerton Row
E9 6SR

Tel: 020 8510 5555

Drop in service reception tel: 020 8510 7989

Health advisers tel: 020 8510 7988

Email: enquiries@homerton.nhs.uk

The drop-in provides advice and treatment for people who are HIV positive, are worried about other infections that can be spread by sexual contact, or have other conditions affecting the genitals.

Services available:

  • young persons services
  • HIV care and follow up
  • Joint ante-natal care for HIV positive pregnant women
  • treatment for sexually transmitted infections
  • genital dermatology clinic (specialist service for the detection and management of skin diseases peculiar to the peri genital area)
  • high resolution anoscopy - H.R.A: anal cancer screening (service for the detection of anal pre-cancer)
  • laser treatment (treatment of warts and pre-cancer in the genital and anal region)
  • point of care HIV test - next day results
  • family planning (only patients with sexual health problems)
  • psychology service for HIV and sexual health patients

This is a walk-in service. The waiting time may be from one to four hours.

Please go to reception when you arrive.

The service is closed on weekends and public holidays.

Monday: 9.15-11am - Women only GU walk-in service (doors open 9am)
Monday: 1.00 - 6.30pm - walk-in service (doors open 12.30pm)

Tuesday: 9.15am - 3pm - walk-in service (doors open 9am)
Tuesday: 4pm - 6pm - young person's clinic (under 21s)

Wednesday: 12.30pm - 6.30pm - walk in service (doors open 12 noon)

Thursday: 9.30am - 3.30pm - walk-in service (doors open 9am)

Friday: 9.30am - 3.30pm - walk-in service (doors open 9am)


The Ambrose King Centre

Royal London Hospital

Tel 020 7377 7306â 

Monday: 9-4pm

Tuesday: 9-3pm

Wednesday: 12 - 4pm

Thursday: 9 - 4pm

Friday: 9 - 3pmâ 

Substance Misuse

Young People's Substance Misuse Service

722 High Road
E11 3AJ

Tel: 020 8496 5020

email: 722drug&alcoholinfo@walthamforest.gov.ukâ 

Provide free confidential, non-judgemental, support and advice to young people up to the age of 19 who may be experiencing problems with drug and alcohol use.


Other useful websites and services

Forest Flava

If you are aged 11 to 19 and live or study in the London Borough of Waltham Forest, the ForestFlava website is for you.

If you want to find out what events or activities are going on in your local area, or if you want to have your say about something that matters to you.



Take a look at the other parts of the L8r Advice Centre for links for other information and advice links for young people.