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From Series 1, episode 8 :
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Being there thru thick n thin n not running out when things get hard!
Have I let her down?

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Young Concern Trust

Provide free confidential one to one short term counselling

This is for young people between the ages of 11 and 25 who live, work or study in Harlow and the surrounding area.

Counselling takes place in a variety of locations and is a way of helping you to make sense of a whole range of difficult issues. You may be feeling depressed, confused, stuck or just not sure about your life at the moment. Whatever you are feeling whether it is sad, anxious or generally unhappy, talking to a counsellor might help.

If you would like to make an appointment or need more information please get in touch.

Tel: 01279 414090

Email : youngconcern@btconnect.com

Harlow One Stop Shop

The new One Stop Shop (OSS) in Harlow is open for all young people aged 13-25.

The OSS offers information, advice, support, guidance and a range of free services including:

  • Connexions Personal Advisers
  • Youth Workers
  • Welfare Rights Advisers

Telephone for the above services on: 0800 587 6013

Free Walk-in Health Service

The OSS also has free walk-in health service which can help you with any questions you may have about sexual health, your lifestyle and minor illnesses and injuries.

You will be able to speak to a nurse who is specially trained in contraception and who can help you get extra advice from other services such as the local hospital or your doctor. A confidential sexual health advice service is also available with information about C-card, contraception and relationships, emergency pill or morning after pill, contraceptive pills and injections, sexually transmitted infections (STI's), chlamydia testing and screening, pregnancy tests and the booking of appointments with a midwife as well as referrals for terminations of pregnancy (abortions).

If you have any worries about your health you can text: 07876508549

Phone and speak to a nurse during the day on - 01279 625735 - if we are out we will get back to you!

OSS Opening Times:

Mon: 10am - 6pm
Tues: 10am - 6pm
Wed: 10am - 7pm
Thurs: 10am - 1pm
Fri: 10am - 5pm
Sat: 12noon - 4pm

Health Centre Opening Times:

Mon: 12noon - 6pm
Tues: 12noon - 6pm
Wed: 12noon - 6pm
Thurs: 12noon - 5pm
Fri: 12noon - 5pm
Sat: 12noon - 4pm

One Stop Shop
Occasio House
Playhouse Square
CM20 1AP

Harlow Young Carers

This project offers information and support for young carers and their families living in the Harlow area.

Young carers are children and young people up to the age of eighteen years who look after a:

  • Parent, sister, brother or other relative
  • Neighbour
  • Friend


  • â is ill
  • â has a disabilityâ 
  • â is affected by HIV or AIDS
  • â has a mental health problems
  • â or who may take drugs or drink too much alcohol

If you are a young carer, you may be helping in all sorts of ways from cleaning and cooking to helping the person you care for with personal care such as going to the toilet or having a bath and dressing. Caring affects each young person differently and many young carers do not realise that there are people in the community that can help.

Harlow Young Carers is a free service and they can be contacted on:

Tel. 01279 308314

Email: carers@harlowcarers.org.uk

other sources of information

Take a look at the other parts of the L8r Advice Centre for links for other information and advice links for young people.