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Stacey Collapses
Posted by : robthTuesday, 27th November 2007
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L8r Team
Posted by : rootWednesday, 10th October 2007
Hi Stacey
L8r Team here,
Looks like you found out about gas the hard way...but good to know that you are getting some sound support now. We hope you're feeling better too.
Have you seen our Advice Centre? There's a whole section on drugs and some links to information about solvents, what they do to you and about how to get help... We thought this might be useful for some of your mates.
There's also some links there about drugs and the law and dealers...
Stacey confronts Alan in front of her mum
Posted by : rootMonday, 24th September 2007
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Stacey (played by Lisa) tries to prove Alan is dealing drugs, by confronting him in front of her mum (played by Emma). Alan is played by Stephen.
Stacey talks to her mum about Alan
Posted by : rootMonday, 24th September 2007
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Stacey (played by Lisa) tries to talk to her mum (played by Emma) about Alan's drug dealing.
Drugs Storyline
Posted by : robthFriday, 21st September 2007
Below is a new storyline created by SILX, concerning drugs.
Stacey life
Posted by : spinnaTuesday, 24th July 2007
Stacey Davison
Age 18
talented mcing and breakdanceing, friends with tilly, danny, big steven, little steven, emma
she has an older brother called dave and a younger brother called steven, her step dad is called alan
life: feels happy when high on drugs like gas loves to drink alot mams boyfriend is a drugdealer she gets unwanted attention of step dad. stacey tells her mam all about step dad but she refuses to believe her.i do drugs drop-off for my step dad. danny doesnt really express his feelings about how his dad treats him i am going to see some one about my problems one of my mates died of solvents called lindsey she died in front of use she took it the wrong way and died. im the only one of my friends doing it sometimes im scared it will kill me if i do too much.i am going to try and tell my mam about my step dad and tell her about my adiction. i have recently been in hospital for bliffing gas and i collapsed. once i got out of hospital i went to see a sorted worker with my friend to sort things out.
older brother dave lives in his flat with his baby and girlfriend he is a deejay at the pubs passed life been in jail for theft got out in 2005. sinces been out of jail he has tried to help stacey with her problems. trieing to help stacey to get in to mcing as she likes it but her step dad makes her do the drugs for him as she is finding it hard.
Talking About Alan Dealing
Posted by : robthTuesday, 24th July 2007
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This is Stacey (played by Lisa) and her younger brother Charlie (played by Kyle) talking about their father Alan dealing drugs to her
Alan Sending His Son on an Errand
Posted by : robthTuesday, 24th July 2007
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Alan, Stacey's step Dad, (played by Stephen) is a drug dealer. He tells his son to go and deliver some drugs for him. His son, Charlie (played by Kyle), doesn't want to go.
Spinna (Stacey) Break Dancing
Posted by : robthTuesday, 24th July 2007
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This is Stacey (played by Lisa) break dancing. This is something that she loves to do, then her step dad comes in and gives her wrong for it.