

Are you a young person using L8R for the first time?

Then you need to fill in this form so that you can access the site.

Your teacher or youth worker will be able to tell you the Access Code.

This site is about you and for you so enter your email address and mobile number and we'll contact you with news about what's happening on the site. Your personal details will not be passed to anyone else or any other organisation. 

Please fill in the form :

At L8R it is useful for us to know who the project is reaching, and how you describe yourself. None of this information will be passed on to any external bodies so we really appreciate you filling this out.
General Details
Please can you indicate if you have a disability * Blind or Visual Impairment
Deaf or Hearing Impairment
Learning Difficulty
Mental Health
Other Disability
No Disability
Prefer not to say
Age Today *
Are you * male
Do not wish to declare
Personal Details
What ethnic group do you consider yourself to belong to ? *


Please indicate if you follow a religion or belief. *

Items marked with '*' must be completed

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Meet the characters
Meet Misha, James, Ben, Katy, Tilly & Danny


From Series 1, episode 2 :
left quotation mark

look afta the baby dude

right quotation mark

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