


L8R is a closed site. This means that it is only accessible to organisations who have joined and received an Access Code. Some sample materials and information in the Advice Centre can be seen when you are not logged in.

Young people can only access the Forums and Peer Mentor Chat once their organisation has joined L8R. This ensures that no one else can post messages or read messages posted by young people.

The Forums are moderated by a team of trained Peer Moderators and supervised by a member of the L8R team. The Peer Mentor Live Chat sessions are supervised by a member of the L8R team.

It is good practice to make young people aware of basic safety when using the internet. They should never disclose contact details or their full name when using chat sites and forums.

For more information visit the E-safety section of the BECTA schools website.

To read L8R Privacy Policy, click here.

To find out more about L8R, click here.

For information on fees and registering, click here.



Meet the characters
Meet Misha, James, Ben, Katy, Tilly & Danny


From Series 1, episode 3 :
left quotation mark

what do you mean? what kind of attention is bad attention??

right quotation mark

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